Jun 3, 2022Liked by Kavitha Murali

Good One Kavitha. As always - I have been a fan of ur writings. And let me add something. In one of my interviews, a guy told me - You are planning to switch in 2.5 years and that raises a question mark on ur loyalty. Look at me I had stayed in my last job for 4.5 years and 5+ years in the job before that.

And I humbly replied- But still you quit na ? how is someone switching in 2.5 years is disloyal and if you do it in 4.5 years you are loyal? Who made these rules ? and what is the logic behind such rules? Its like saying if you loot a bank and steal 1 Mn then you are a thief but if you steal INR10/- from your neighbour you are not a thief.. ...... And guess what he got offended and told me no point in having a debate on something that I am unable to understand. And then I replied - R u sure it's me who is unable to understand???? And after that the meeting (so called interview ended) ...


But let me tell you that I never wanted to join this company and hence, when found the arguments to be so illogical, I started to counter it. But my sincere advise- If you are badly in need of a job- Then do not try such stunts. And even if you want to try, please try at your own risk .. :-)

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